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What to winterize?

What to winterize affects just about every aspect of how you live in a cold and snowy climate. The list can get quite long and covers pretty much everything you do in winter. Preparing for the winter takes place in the fall or autumn every year well before the winter snow and cold temperatures arrive. At least, it should!

For example, your wardrobe needs to change to suit the weather and to keep you warm and comfortable. Sorry, but you have to give up wearing those cargo shorts and flip-flops until next summer! You'll also batten down the hatches on your house to some degree like keeping the windows closed, turning the heat on and minimizing any air leaks or drafts.

That's standard stuff for everyone. Still, the number of tasks and activities you need to do can vary depending on where you live and what your circumstances are.

The colder the weather or the more snow is likely to fall, the more effort is required. If it rains more where you are, then that could be a bonus since you don't have to shovel snow! However, you then have to guard against possible flooding in and around your house. Let's start with the basics.

What you wear

What to winterize starts with what winter clothing you wear in winter. That's truly a no brainer! This applies to everyone who lives in a cold and snowy climate. You'll definitely need more clothing and multiples of the same or similar clothing for your winter wardrobe. Winter clothes are made of heavier fabrics and so are therefore warmer too. They need to be more durable as well as waterproof and windproof, especially the outer layers like coats or jackets.

How do you live?

Depending on your type of living, what to winterize can range from very little to a lot!

House owner:

If you are a house owner, living in a house certainly requires more winter preparation and maintenance. Some years you may have to do more work on your home than other years regarding repairs, replacements or improvements. No doubt, these pre-winter tasks will take up the majority of what needs to be done to winterize properly.

Condominium owner:

If you are a condominium owner, you have way less to do with only being concerned about personal decisions that affect the inside of your home like hanging heavy drapes or adding a draft stopper at your deck door for example. Your monthly condo fees goes to look after property maintenance like snow clearing for outdoor car parks, ramps and sidewalks.


If you are renting a place, you have the least amount of work to do since you have none of the winter home maintenance headaches a homeowner has to worry about.

Depending on your lease agreement with your landlord, all you'll need to worry about is your winter wardrobe for the most part. For anything else, either repairs inside your apartment or snow removal outside, it's the responsibility of the landlord or the property management company.

What do you need to prepare for winter?

Preparing for winter covers a lot of ground so to speak. Besides your winter clothing, there are the interior spaces of your home, all the physical exterior of your house, and all the areas outside your home on your property. Then there are snow-related tools and equipment you need that keeps your house, family and life running safely and smoothly.

Depending on your current circumstances, here's a basic winter checklist for you to think about.

For everyone:

Your personal winter clothing:

For homeowners:

Your outdoor spaces:

  • Lawn
  • Gardens, green areas, container gardens
  • Vegetable garden
  • Compost bins
  • Outdoor furniture
  • Driveway, walkways and access areas
  • Deck area and Barbeque area
  • Garage area
  • Pet area
  • Storage area
  • Pool area
  • Water fountain and pond.

Your outside winter equipment:

  • Snow removal tools and shovels
  • Roof rakes
  • Other related winter tools and equipment.

Your winter sports equipment:

  • Seasonal sports equipment like downhill and cross country skis, snowshoes, snowboard, skates
  • Bike.

For vehicle owners:

  • Cars/Sports Utility vehicles
  • Winter sports recreational vehicles like a snowmobile or all terrain vehicle.

Phew! When you start listing everything you need to do or be aware of, the list can get very long; it's surprising what is involved. You can probably add a few more items to the list that applies to your location and situation too.

What's next?

Now that you have the basics covered, developing a more detailed picture of what's involved is next, depending on the task you plan on doing that is.

Doing some research, asking questions and being aware of what might be needed regarding what to winterize, developing your winter smarts is key to a more enjoyable winter. When to winterize is also important, particularly if it's a major task like replacing a roof.

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