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Developing your
winter know-how

To make the most out of the cold, snowy winter season, developing your winter know-how is very important. The winter season lasts for at least four months of the year here in North America.

Actually the better question is, "What doesn't it effect?" The answer is nothing because...

The winter season affects everything: your home, your car, your health, your family, your social life, your pets, your sports activities and your job or business. They all interconnect with one another. That's why developing your winter know-how and knowledge is the best solution on how to enjoy the winter more.

Asking the right kind of questions to find the solution is key. If we have a problem, then we want a solution, right? But what's more important is the next step, which is actually implementing your newfound winter know-how and knowledge.

As the fall approaches, you'll start hearing, reading and seeing the term 'winterizing' quite often leading up to and during the winter season. It means to protect against the winter cold, snow (or rain) and wind so you and your family are warm and comfortable both inside and outside of your home.

How to develop winter know-how

Here's my answer to that; how you develop and add to your winter know-how each year is composed of what I've listed below:

  • Questions - asking what others have found to work
  • Observation - see how others do things, like how best to even walk on icy ground (or not which is just as good!)
  • Trial and error - the best way to learn in my experience! (could be painful sometimes but it's a great teacher) or
  • Test and experiment what you've done
  • Evaluate the outcome - does it work?
  • Recommendations - what do your friends or neighbours recommend?
  • Common sense - avoid dangerous or potentially dangerous winter situations like driving in really snowy or icy weather conditions.

With each winter season you experience, you'll be adding a bit more to your store of winter know-how - always a good thing to be aware and prepare!

What makes up winter know-how?

The list I've put together is by no means complete but it does cover the major highlights to get you thinking about what's involved in living well through each cold, snowy winter season.

Ask yourself how can you make your winter season better and more comfortable with each passing year. Developing your winter know-how with each task you do is important. It will stand you in good stead for future winters.

Think of the winter as the centre of a wheel with the spokes leading out to the key areas of your life with the wheel rim connecting each part of your life to the next and to the next...Get your winter thinking caps on....let's start.

Inside your home:

  • What parts (attic, windows, roof line) of your home need to be winterized the most?
  • What kind of improvements (insulation, new windows) can you make to fit your budget?
  • What are the most cost effective ways for producing the most benefit in winter? (fixing air leaks).

Outside your home:

  • How to winterize the outside of your house
  • How to prepare your garden for winter
  • What are the essential snow and ice removal tools you need for your home? (push shovel and ice pick)
  • Using sand, salt or ice melter - which is best and where to use it?
  • How to winterize your pool (pool cover).


Being safe in winter:

  • How to be safe indoors (furnace check, carbon monoxide detector)
  • How to be safe outdoors (dressed properly including winter boots)
  • How to dress properly for winter (by wearing layers)
  • What are outdoor winter dangers you need to know about?(hypothermia, frostbite)

Being healthy in winter:

  • How to keep healthy during winter (taking Echinacea, extra Vitamin C and D)
  • How to shovel the snow and not injure yourself while doing it
  • How best to walk on ice and snow (thick tread boots and shuffle/small step your way along)
  • How to best protect your skin from winter dryness (warm showers only and moisturize with a botanical based oil product).

Winter clothing:

  • How many clothing layers you need to wear to stay warm? (three is typical)
  • What kind of accessories do you need? (scarf, hat, gloves)
  • What to know about buying winter boots (insulated uppers and thick soled rubber treads).

Fun winter activities:

  • How do you build a snowman?
  • What kind of winter activities would be fun for your children?
  • Where would I find winter festivals?
  • What are the major winter festivals held each year?
  • Where are they held?

Winter vacations:

  • How to avoid winter altogether and take a holiday to a warmer climate
  • Where to go for a romantic winter weekend.

Winter sports:

  • What kind of individual winter sports you can do? (skiing, snowboarding)
  • What are team winter sports? (curling, hockey)
  • What kind of cost is involved? (economical to extreme sticker-shock!)
  • What is a more economical winter sport? (snowshoeing and cross-country skiing)
  • What are the more expensive winter sports to do? (downhill skiing, snowboarding, hockey).

Other important things:

  • How to keep your pets safe
  • What makes a winter wedding more special?

As you can see developing a wide breadth of winter smarts will come in very handy for lots of reasons. I'll be adding more over time to this come back and visit, thanks!

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